Welcome to Cape of Good Hope, where you will learn who YOU are, who your real ENEMY is, and who your closest FRIEND is.

Daily Devotions
Lid est laborum dolo rumes fugats untras. Etharums ser quidem rerum facilis dolores nemis omnis fugats vitaes nemo minima rerums unsers sadips amets.

Book: Discover his Majesty
Lid est laborum dolo rumes fugats untras. Etharums ser quidem rerum facilis dolores nemis omnis fugats vitaes nemo minima rerums unsers sadips amets.
What We Believe
We believe that the Perfect Father sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to reconcile us to the Father through the forgiveness of our sins, and then, to give us MUCH MORE: Hope, Love, and Truth through the Life of the Lord Jesus, starting right here on this earth…into eternity (Romans 5:10).

We believe that this message is meant for each and every person on this whole wide world, especially those who had been abused as children. Therefore, our calling from God is to get free books into every state and federal prison in the whole world, and into as many city and county jails as possible.
The list of Good Hope activities extends on to include: military personnel, hospital patients, crisis centers, schools, and missionary projects around the world, even the jungles of Africa and the remote mountainous areas of the Philippines.
The harvest is ripe, and we rejoice to do everything we can to be God’s servants. With the help of the people God will send us, we will continue to reach those for whom He gave His Only Son, Jesus Christ, to not only bring people all over the world into Heaven, but to bring Heaven into each dark dungeon of despair, wherever that may be.
(Ephesians 4:22-23).
It was November 2006 when I began to realize that, even though I had been a dedicated Christian since childhood and had lived my whole life for God, there was something missing in my life, or rather in my heart, and in my mind. Even though I had even been part of a full-time evangelizing team, sacrificing a year of my teen life, traveling the country from church to church, my mind was still plagued with painful beliefs of abandonment, condemnation, and shame. Incessantly reacting to these beliefs with harmful habits of running, hiding, and blaming, I felt like a captive—a captive to my own mind and its negative, destructive thoughts.
Then, in December of 2006, I learned that these negative, destructive beliefs had been instilled in my mind since childhood by an enemy, the father-of-lies. His weapon? Deception: the principle of luring us into negative, destructive beliefs that are not true. His goal? To shape in each one of us an OLD ME character—someone who feels unloved, unacceptable, and unworthy. And no matter how hard we would try, we would not be able to improve the character of the OLD ME, nor free ourselves from it.
But then, I received the message of the MUCH MORE Life: that the Perfect Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to free us from the OLD ME character, and create in us a NEW ME: someone who feels loved, accepted, and worthy.
These messages and materials we offer are designed to make our journey into the MUCH MORE Life your journey as well. As you read the real-life experiences in the books Discover His Majesty, the Study Guide, the Blessings of Good Hope, and the Prayers of Good Hope, you will find the tools you need to receive Hope for your deceived mind and Wholeness for your broken heart—a NEW ME. Then you, too, will receive the MUCH MORE Life…into eternity.
“How do I live Christ’s Life?” you might ask. “Only Christ can live His own life.” “Exactly!” I would answer. “You need to invite Christ to come live His Life in your body, soul, and spirit, because it is not about improving your Self, but exchanging your Self for His Self.” “And how exactly do I do this?” might be your next question. “Come, follow me, I will show you how.”
“Christ, who fills all things everywhere with Himself” (Ephesians 1:23).
EMBRACE: First, you need to embrace the person you are, right now, at this time of your life: not only what you DO, but also what you THINK. Who are you? What does your heart feel? What does your mind believe about you, those around you, and God? Do you feel loved, accepted, worthy? Or do you believe you have been abandoned, condemned, shamed?
EXPOSE: Next, in order to invite Christ to come live His Life in You, you need to expose your Self to Him. Show the Lord Jesus what you have found out about your Self. Confess your negative thoughts of abandonment, condemnation, and shame that live in your mind, to Him. Acknowledge your feelings of angst, anger, and animosity that live in your heart.
EXCHANGE: Finally, allow the Lord Jesus Christ to exchange your Self for His Self. This is not something YOU do, but what HE does, all by Himself. Exchanging is the act of giving or taking one thing in return for another. HE takes your negative, destructive beliefs of abandonment, shame, and condemnation that you exposed to Him, and exchange them for new beliefs of acceptance, worth, and belonging. He takes your feelings of angst, anger, and animosity that you submitted to Him, and give you new feelings of Peace, Love, and Joy in return.
This is a miracle. This is an adventure. This is Christ’s Life.
Read DISCOVER HIS MAJESTY to find out how the process of exchanging my old Self for the new Self of the Lord Jesus Christ manifested in my life.
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